Monday, October 6, 2008


An interesting excerpt from someone

"If you really want that person, you want to seduce the person, you want to take the time. It's fun. If you don't want to go to the trouble, then perhaps you really aren't interested in that person. To be able to slowly get to know someone allows for a more rational decision making process in that I can step away from that person and think about how I really feel about the personality match. It also allows me much greater insights into myself, what I want and don't want. I've known many people who have jumped in and have no idea who they are becoming involved with. It seems to me that had they taken the time to get to know one another, many of the difficulties they had could have been avoided. For me, I have never regretted waiting, but I have regretted not waiting. The relationships I've been blessed with have been far more meaningful when I've taken the time to get to know the person. Wouldn't you be amazed by someone who is willing to take the time to get to know you and is interested in you as a whole person instead of just what is between your legs? "

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